
Zuletzt bearbeitet am: 28.03.2024

Frequently asked questions

Why is the payment method not displayed in the checkout?

The Klarna plugin sends a request to Klarna when you enter the checkout and gets back a response with the possible payment methods. On the payment selection page, a query is then made for each allowed payment type, where the Klarna API (Risk management) can exclude it.

Make sure that the corresponding Klarna payment method is assigned to the shipment and/or sales channel, that there is no error and that Klarna is approved for the specified country. To test if your address is excluded from Klarna Risk management, use another account (different address and email) and test again. Also clear your browser cookies or test in a new private tab to get a new Klarna API session.

What does "klarnaAuthorizationToken must not be empty" mean?

The message klarnaAuthorizationToken must not be empty appears if parts of the Klarna plugin such as Twig blocks or JavaScript elements are missing during checkout.

Please empty the cache and recompile the files for the storefront via bin/build-storefront.js. Make sure that no other plugin overwrites the necessary extensions of the Klarna plugin by deactivating other plugins one by one and checking the behaviour again.

Why can't I update the order?

Due to Klarna's risk assessment, changes to order items and address are no longer possible once an amount has been captured via Klarna.

To synchronise relevant changes to the order with Klarna, the Klarna plugin stores a hash of the address (order_address_hash) and the order items (order_cart_hash) in the database table klarna_order_extension or - before version 1.10.0 - in the custom fields klarna_order_address_hash and klarna_order_cart_hash of the order respectively. When the order is updated, the hashes are regenerated and compared with the existing ones. This is a simple way for the Klarna plugin to determine whether relevant data has been changed and to transfer this to Klarna. This can also result in an error message if the comparison is not possible due to missing hashes and no relevant data has been changed.

If you have not made any changes to the address or order items, please check the custom fields of the order via the database. If the mentioned hashes from the Klarna plugin are missing there, please contact plugin support.

Can I sell to other companies with Klarna?

Selling to other companies is only possible with Klarna in certain countries. For this, see the answer to this question from Klarna merchant support.

Error codes

For better analysis in support, activate the debug mode in the Klarna plugin configuration.

401 Authorization Required

Check your access data again for correctness. It can happen that you copied one space too many or another character too little. Also note that our plugin uses the new Klarna API and therefore requires appropriate credentials. The API username is approximately this format: K123456_e25be1fcacbc.

The access data for our plugin can be found at:

If the test mode works without problems, but the live mode does not, either the access data are wrong or you are not yet activated by Klarna. You can test the access data from our plugin settings.


This error occurs when we try to establish a session with the Klarna API. Probably you have not completed the Klarna Onboarding process.

Please contact Klarna Support with the error description and error.


This error occurs when we try to establish a session with the Klarna API. You are probably not yet enabled by Klarna.

Please contact Klarna Support with the error description and error.

Bad value: merchant_urls.terms (may not be null)

You forgot to set the link to the terms and conditions and the right of withdrawal in the plugin settings. Set the link to the T&C and the right of withdrawal in the plug settings of the Klarna plugin. The link should be complete (e.g.,


This error occurs when we try to communicate with the Klarna API but use an incorrect session id. You probably have a customized template or another plugin is interfering here.

Try repeating the whole thing in Shopware's default Responsive Template. Also clear your browser cookies or use a private tab so we can establish a new session with Klarna. If the error still occurs, disable all plugins except for the Klarna plugin. Clear the Shopware cache and recompile the themes. Also delete your browser cookies again. If the error no longer occurs, turn the plugins back on in order and test each time in between until the error occurs again. With this, you have identified the plugin that is causing the problems.


This error message is only from the access data test you ran from the plugin settings in the Shopware backend and can be ignored.

The Klarna API itself does not provide a function to test the access data. We therefore make do with a trick and make a request to the Klarna API for the order with the number "DUMMY_ORDER_ID". This, of course, did not exist at Klarna. If the Klarna API answers that this order does not exist we know that the credentials are correct. If the credentials are incorrect, the Klarna API would tell us at this point and not allow the request.

Create a support ticket

Via your Shopware account you will receive competent support for the setup and for any problems that may arise.
To create a ticket follow the instructions in the shopware AG documentation.